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From: Rabbi Perry Tirschwell <>
Subject: Yeshiva Highlites featuring School Shabbaton and Alumni Visits
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Yeshiva Highlites featuring School Shabbaton and Alumni Visits

The Weekly Newsletter of
Yeshiva High School

Parshat Vayeshev
Friday, November 30, 2007
Shabbat begins in Boca @ 5:10


From the desk of
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

YOU, the readers of Yeshiva Highlites, play a crucial role in admissions season, which begins this Sunday with our Open House. Studies show that the person who prospective families believe least about a school is the principal, as marketing is one of his primary responsibilities. Students, parents and faculty, past and future, are the most believable sources of information.

WYHS is a great fit for a student who wants to grow religiously and academically. The religious Zionist, college preparatory message is delivered with energy and enthusiasm. We take our mission, to inspire and challenge teenagers, very seriously.

We are expecting a large class next year, very possibly the largest in WYHS history. We have created a beautiful new viewbook and a new video, which tell the story of WYHS in pictures and testimonials. The growth of our student body provides more opportunities (more sports, more clubs, more classes) to all students.

Please encourage any family with an eighth grader (or an older student who is considering a change) to attend this Sunday's Open House. The program will allow prospective parents and students the opportunity to experience a simulated day in the life of a WYHS student.

The program begins at 9:30 am and ends at 12:30 pm.

We look forward to seeing everyone.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

Click on the images below
to link to these nine websites
edline calendar
photo gallery
photo gallery

Upcoming Events

  • WYHS Open House
    for Prospective Parents and Students

    Sunday, December 2

  • North of Boca Town Meeting
    Monday, December 3
    8:00am @ Shub

  • Sophomore PLAN exam
    Tuesday, December 4

  • Mesibas @ the Rebbes
    Wednesday, December 5
    1st and 2nd Periods

  • Dreidel Mania
    Thursday, December 6
    during lunch

  • Teachers Live Tzedakah Auction
    Friday, December 7
    3rd and 4th periods

  • Chanukah Chagigah
    Monday, December 10
    5:45pm @ BRS
    Click Here to RSVP for the Chagigah

  • Click Here To Order Your
    Storm Klipped Kippahs

  • Good and Welfare

    Mazel Tov To:

  • Rachie and Ari Gold ('01) on the birth of their daughter, Eliora Tzelila

  • Nechama Gottlieb ('03) on her marriage to Etan Marks of Skokie, Illinois

    Condolences To:

  • The Shabtai family on the loss of Hilda Mittman


    Can You Handle the Truth?

    WYHS' School Wide Shabbaton

    By LeeLee Borzak '(10)

    On Friday, November 16, the excitement for the upcoming school wide Shabbaton was palpable. After weeks of seeing "Can You Handle the Truth" posters adorning WYHS' halls, students could wait no longer to spend a Shabbat together, one of the highlights of the school year. After arriving at the beautiful Marco Polo Resort and preparaing for Shabbat, students, faculty and their families, and alumni came together to daven Kabalat Shabbat. A delicious Friday night dinner and Divrei Torah about the theme of this year's Shabbaton-the importance of honesty-were the perfect way to start off this incredible Shabbat.

    The much anticipated game show had teachers as contestants in "To Tell the Truth." Teachers told crazy stories about themselves, but only one of the stories was real. It was up to the students to discern which teacher was lying and which teacher was telling the truth. Students were delighted to learn about Rabbi Spodek's short lived ballet career, Rabbi Horowitz's 5th grade slip up, as well as other embarrassing moments. Not only did the game show depict the theme of the Shabbaton, but it also brought endless rounds of laughter.

    In true WYHS style, boys and girls then had kumzitzes and tisches. In between the inspirational songs, teachers told students about their personal experiences in which they learned the importance of truth and integrity. Before lights out, all students had free time and the opportunity to play various games, such as Taboo, Trivial Pursuit, and Monopoly. Inter-grade teams allowed students to get to know others in different grades.

    After Shacharit on Shabbat morning, the teachers performed their legendary Shabbaton skit. Everyone in the crowd was laughing as teachers poked fun at various students. More importantly, the skit showed the importance of the truth in more realistic and relatable ways. Mike, the main character in the skit, lied about being the star of the baseball team and also "embellished the truth" on his college applications, which is always on a high school student's mind. All of his myths came back to haunt him, and these realistic examples made the message behind the skit much more effective.

    Later that day, students were broken up into small groups and paired up with teachers to learn more in depth. Each group dissected different every day situations involving honesty and discussed what to do in these situations. Practical scenarios make it easier for students to apply the message of the Shabbaton to every day life.

    After Havdallah, everyone departed to Boomers, a local amusement park. Arcade games, a roller coaster, bumper boats, laser tag, and tons of tickets proved to be fun for all and the perfect Saturday night activity.

    The Melava Malka after Boomers was especially significant this year because it was also Sheva Brachot for a beloved WYHS alumnus, Tzvi Schwartzbaum ('04). Through a pizza party and intense dancing, current WYHS students really enhanced Tzvi and his new wife, Lauren's, happiness. Even though none of the students attended WYHS with Tzvi, we all still felt a special connection to him and were delighted to partake in his simcha. It was an amazing way to end an unbelievable Shabbat.

    Thanks so much to all of the faculty and alumni who took time out of their busy schedules to come to the Shabbaton!

    To relive the excitement of the Shabbaton, be on the look out for the WYHS Shabbaton video, coming soon!


    Open Mic Night

    For Parents

    Five Community Meetings Take Place

    By Rabbi Perry Tirschwell, Principal

    You may think that a principal who invites all the parents in the school to meetings at which they can publicly raise any concern they have about the school, is crazy. I, the principal, think that an organization can only grow if it is open to constructive criticism. This is the idea behind WYHS' series of Town Meetings.

    Since high school parents rarely enter the school building, we feel it is important to go to them and solicit feedback. Since WYHS services students from throughout South Florida, we run five meetings across our catchment area. We schedule the Town Meetings to coincide with the end of the first trimester of each year, late enough for parents to develop an opinion about how the year is going, but early enough for us to make changes that will impact the year.

    Many topics have been raised at the four town meetings that have already taken place including bus service (regular and for extracurricular activities), family Shabbatot, free time schedule when students spend Shabbat at the homes of their rebbeim, the academic transition of freshmen to high school, the possibility of offering debate and public speaking, the frequency of teacher Edline postings, the temperature in the classrooms, making dismissal time in the parking lot safer, the possibility of offering PE, the price of the school shabbaton, and the possibility of moving the freshman shabbaton to earlier in the year.

    Shimmie and I learned a lot at this year's meetings. Thank you to Mrs. Kanner who stood in for me at the meeting in NMB. Thank you to the Bengio, Bokor, Stadlan, and Schechter families for hosting these important meetings. We look forward to the last of the town meetings, which will take place this coming Monday night, December 3, at 8:00pm at the Shubs in Lake Worth.


    Click on Picture for a Slideshow


    Boys JV Basketball Prepares

    for a Great Season

    By Josh Kaminetsky ('09)

    Last Thursday, the Boys Junior Varsity Basketball team opened up against Grandview in an exciting, nail biting game. After weeks of effort, practice, and workouts, the boys were more than eager to showcase what they've learned. Despite their commendable effort in the game, the boys just came up short of victory. However, the boys were not the least bit discouraged.

    The following week, the team managed to completely turn around their season with two dominating wins. On Tuesday, the team faced off against Pope John Paul II. During the first quarter, the opposing team was scoreless while shot after shot successfully found its way to the hoop for the WYHS Storm. Yoni Levenson ('09) dominated on the boards while Lior Goldstein ('10) managed to direct the team well as the new point guard. The final score was 48-18 Storm.

    But the victories didn't cease there. Yesterday, the team played Berean to achieve a winning record. Once again the boys came out ready to play and quickly took control of the game. New Freshmen talent Elie Genet and Adam Poliak racked up the points in the game, resulting in yet another victory for the JV team 60-20.

    Next Game at

    Pope John Paul II On

    Sat., Dec. 1 @ 7:30


    Never Far From Home

    Mrs. Kanner Visits Our Alumni in NY

    By Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner, Associate Principal

    It is truly difficult to determine if the greater beneficiary of my day in New York was me or the alumni that streamed in to meet with me throughout the day. The only harder task is for me to describe to you the joy I felt seeing each of these beautiful young ladies, learning of their accomplishments, listening to their aspirations, and guiding them through the challenges of collegiate life.

    Having a special bond with my students, born from years of close interaction, the most common refrains were "you know me," "I can talk to you," or "I trust you." It is amazing and heart-warming that our students look to their high school mentors to assist them with their transition from seminary to college, from life in Israel to America, and from their late teenage years into their adulthood. They seek our guidance in all areas including career choices, dating, social dynamics, and religious issues.

    At WYHS, we have a slogan that encapsulates the feelings of our students, "once YHS, always YHS." The same holds true for their teachers and Rebbeim. The love we feel for our students, the relationships that we build, and our devotion to their personal, academic, and religious growth continues long after they graduate high school. It is an honor to be part of a school that concerns itself and is dedicated in an unparalleled manner to the continued well-being of our alumni. This day for the girls in New York, along with the boys alumni Shabaton, our trips to visit our alumni in Eretz Yisrael, and the 10th anniversary alumni Shabbaton scheduled for February, are examples of WYHS' life-long commitment to our students.


    Up Close and Personal

    with Mr. Joseph

    (JB) Bensmihen

    By Daniella Greer ('09)

    This past Thursday, WYHS was truly honored to hear from a man whose obstacles and achievements inspired us all-Joseph Bensmihen. Mr. Bensmihen, lovingly referred to as JB, was raised in Montreal, Canada. Due to his physical disability, the law prohibited him from attending a mainstream school, and he was therefore forced to attend a Special Education program. After much media press, petitioning, and struggling, JB was finally allowed to attend a mainstream school, and he vindicated himself by graduating high school as valedictorian.

    After JB's father passed away several years ago, JB established the David Bensmihen Memorial Scholarship Foundation, to commemorate his father. This foundation is a philanthropic organization which provides scholarships for meritorious students.

    I was privileged to speak to JB about his occupation, his organization, and how his childhood impacts his life to this day.

    What do you do professionally, and how does that reflect your values?

    JB: I have a masters degree in social work and work primarily with the elderly. It's amazing because I get paid to do Chesed. What can be better then that?! All the people I work with obviously have some sort of issue, and I therefore try to use the values that I learned from Torah and Halacha to alleviate their pain.
    How did your father and your childhood experiences influence your current educational philosophies and altruistic endeavors?

    JB: My entire message in life is that education is freedom. After everything I experienced during my childhood, I am even more aware of the fact that if one is able to have education, he/she is able to have a life. My father had always stressed this message, which encouraged me to create a foundation that deals with educational progress.
    What motivated you to get so involved with WYHS?

    JB: I went to Rabbi Brander after my father had passed away and I told him that I wanted to have a Torah Scroll written in commemoration of my father. He instead convinced me to create a scholarship fund which would allow for more students to learn more Torah and all that it has to offer.
    How do you select which students are eligible for the scholarship?

    JB: The students need to write essays and fill out applications to show their qualifications. Additionally, each year a senior from WYHS receives a Midot Tovot award based on his/her embodiment of Chesed and good midot. With the David Bensmihen Memorial Scholarship Fund, we are able to help around twelve thousand students globally each year receive an education that they might have otherwise not been able to receive.


    3600 Number of tickets Holly, Julie, and Leora won after winning the Jackpot
    at Boomer Mania. 

    3 Number of people who believed Mrs.Kanner's TRUE blind date story was actually true

    6 Number of times Rabbi Sugerman was milchigs
    on the Shabbaton

    1964 Number of pictures taken by the Photo Committee
    at the Shabbaton


    "The Alumni Fund is a great idea! I am so happy to be able
    to give tzedakah from my first paycheck to benefit an

    institution that has done so much for me."

    -- Sheri Adler ('02)

    Yeshiva Highlites Staff

    Danielle Wolkowicz (’09)

    Editor-in- Chief

    LeeLee Borzak (’10)

    Assistant Editor

    Mrs. Claudia Cohen

    Director of Technology

    Alana Dweck(’09)

    Photo Editor

    Daniella Greer(’09)

    Features Editor

    Josh Kaminetsky(’09)

    Layout Editor

    David Petrover(’10)

    Assistant Photo Editor

    Aleeza Rubin(’09)

    Chief of Correspondents

    David Spektor(’10)

    Assistant Photo Editor
    Rabbi Josh Spodek Staff Advisor

    Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
    7902 Montoya Circle
    Boca Raton, FL 33433

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