
From:   Rabbi Perry Tirschwell <>
Subject:   WYHS Shabbaton Special
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WYHS Shabbaton Special
"What's In Your Wallet?"
WYHS Shabbaton
A Smashing Success


Click here for an
Amazing Shabbaton Video

The energy was palpable this past Friday as 175 students came to school with their luggage in tow and excitement and anticipation written on their faces. This past Shabbat, students and faculty spent an amazing Shabbaton together at the Marco Polo Hotel in Sunny Isles.

This year’s Shabbaton theme was “What’s in Your Wallet,” a reevaluation of our priorities and values, while looking into the things that really matter to us. For weeks students have seen signs all over the school introducing the theme and preparing everyone for the Shabbaton to come.

In one of the most anticipated highlights of the Shabbaton, the Shabbat morning faculty skit, students watched as their teachers “prepared” for the Shabbaton, revealing their priorities and what mattered to them—outfits and social scenes, or inspiration and growth. In keeping with the theme, all were inspired by the moving and thought- provoking divrei Torah shared by students. In addition, students were able to discuss in intimate groups what was in their own “wallets” with teachers and Rebbeim in learning sessions.

During the last moments of Shabbat, boys and girls enjoyed their own kumzitzes and sang beautiful zmirot together. All were deeply touched, espiclly by Esti Tokayer’s heartfelt (’07) dvar Torah, in which she gave an emotional account of how the death of Daniel Wultz, a Miami teen murdered in a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, taught her to put everything in her own life in perspective.

Although the shabbaton conveyed a powerful, serious message, in true WYHS fashion, the students were entertained with humorous programs throughout the weekend. On Friday night, siblings and faculty couples participated in the WYHS Newlywed Game, and students were thoroughly entertained by the outrageous answers supplied by the contestants.

Motzei Shabbat’s big bowling competition was a hit, where students had a ball getting strikes, spares, and sometimes gutter balls. Back at the hotel, students were treated to pizza and baked zitti and a fantastic concert played by the hottest new band on the Jewish music scene—Omek Hadavar! The ruach was contagious! Dancing the night away with faculty members and friends was the perfect way to cap off a fantastic weekend.

Students were surprised with a poignant parting gift Sunday morning—their own WYHS wallet with the words “What’s in your wallet?” printed on the front, and a bencher or Mincha/Maariv inside.

The Shabbaton was a hit, with everyone returning home Sunday morning tired but filled with fantastic memories from the weekend, eager to relive the greatest moments in school on Monday.

Thank you to program director Rabbi Spodek, Student Council, Omek Hadavar, and everyone else who made this shabbaton the best one ever!

Weinbaum Yeshiva High School

voice: 561-417-7422